Illect Recordings: Mind the Rap volume 2 (Free 19 track download)

More great news from Illect Recordings… more free music! Score not one but two free releases for a total of 39 tracks!

The new Mind the Rap Vol. 2 release from Illect Recordings recently scored some major support from mass market digital retailers iTunes, Amazon MP3 and eMusic.

Amazon MP3 and eMusic have both selected the release for an exclusive feature (for a limited time). At each retailer, the entire release is available for Free download.

Mind the Rap Vol. 2 features tracks from the entire Illect Recordings family including two songs from its Electronic music imprint Illectronica.

Download your free copy of Vol. 1 at:
Amazon MP3

Download your free copy of Vol. 2 at:
Amazon MP3

Outside the US? Download your copies of Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 for only 99 cents each:

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More information on Illect Recordings and Mind the Rap Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 can be found at


  1. Is there a way on the Amazon site to DL the entire album? or must I click each link? I’m willing, but reluctant to to click, click, click, click…

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