B. Cooper has been putting in that work for a minute. It’s refreshing to see an artist with such a strong work ethic. We’ve heard a bit of the new project and think you’ll dig some of it. Check out the video promo below for a taste of what to expect from B. Cooper on his upcoming release While the City Sleeps.
Before anything…Art is Passion
True Art is born out of Passion. Honest Passion. That’s they way it should be. Secondarily it can be a source of income, prestige, and even adventure, but first it should be passion.
But what does that mean?
Art is something that you should pay into and get very little back. It’s like a child that has tons of potential but you love simply for the fact that it exists. And no matter if it ever gives anything back to you, you will still love it. That what creating art looks like. And that’s the heart of B. Cooper’s newest project “While the City Sleeps.”
While the City Sleeps
This project comes out of struggle and passion meaning what you are about to hear will be honest, authentic, and lyrically interesting. So pay attention and don’t sleep on this one…literally.
Bottom Line
This project will be about you, the listener, finding what makes you stay up all night to see come to life. Whether that be starting a company, creating art, or playing a sport, it could be a million things but the important thing is that you find it. Hopefully this album stirs something in you to think deeper about who you are and encourages you to chase your dreams regardless of the “sleep” you might lose.
Written by Dan Duncan of Forth District
B. Cooper “While The City Sleeps” releases July 15th via Reflection Music Group.