Spoken Nerd – Apocalypse Awareness Day Music Video

Spoken Nerd has a brand new video for the title track from his latest album. Check it out.

“We hope you enjoy the video for the title track of the album Apocalypse Awareness Day. I wrote this song after watching an episode of the Rachael Ray show at my friend Scott Allen’s house out in Phoenix. I hope someday to meet Rachael Ray and be on her show. She can cook a meal in 30 minutes and I can eat one in a lot less so I think we will go well together. I’m not sure exactly what I have to offer but I do have an album about the apocalypse. Sometimes you meet a nice girl. Sometimes you see a nice girl on TV and sometimes you write a song about a nice girl you saw on TV. Our friend 247 put this piece together for us. He is also an incredible Rap Singer and you can check out his music at outofplace.bandcamp.com. We hope you enjoy this.” – N-Con