Believin Stephen to Release New Album The Suffering Servant

Gametime Recordings is excited to announce that Believin Stephen’s highly anticipated debut album The Suffering Servant is scheduled for a December 2010 release. This highly conceptual album will dive into difficult questions about the topic of suffering and ultimately point people to Christ who suffered more than any of us can imagine. The Suffering Servant will be sure to touch hearts and impact peoples’ lives in a powerful way. The project is honest, transparent, heartfelt and is delivered with witty lyrics and intricate rhyme schemes. It features great production from some of the best producers in Christian hip-hop. In addition, Stephen has some bangin features on the album from some special emcees.


  1. man,wow,!!! so looking forward to your offering, to our GOD AND KING,!! JESUS!!!!! restoration is, and it is by grace alone, through CHRIST alone,what would i know about being restored, if i hadden lost my place, what would i know about, HIS mercy if i hadden gotten out of grace. restoration has finaily come,been restored back to that place in GOD. THE WINNANS. so sweet JESUS.!!!!!!!!!!!

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