The recent UK Tour for Urban D. almost didn’t happen. He was profiled upon entering the country and spent more than 6 hours in their detainment area where he was fingerprinted, photographed and interrogated. No phone calls allowed. Even after they found out he was legit, there was still issues as he was entering the country to do ministry… so a word to any artists traveling to the UK or any other country – make sure you have an official invite letter from the organization bringing you, that you register with the US Embassy (it’s free) and you check on what your Visa status needs to be when entering that country. They recently changed policy in the UK to where you now need a temporary work visa if you are entering as an artist.
It was a miracle that he was still allowed to enter and do the tour – to hear all the details about the detainment and the great ministry that happened there and throughout the tour check out Urban D’s blog “Detained But Not Deterred” at Urban D. just returned from Japan where he had an incredible weekend of ministry, had all the correct paperwork and wasn’t profiled or detained – lol!
Check out the “UK Tour” video.