Over the years, K-Drama has recorded more songs than what is available to the public. However on March 16th, 2010, he will unlock the vault of his private collection of songs for the listening pleasure & edification of all who listen! The title of this mixtape is For the Longest Time.
This 19 track CD includes songs that didn’t fit on Behind the Glory, BoomBaptism & collaboration songs that were never released by other artist. The most popular & anticipated song of this CD is his new single “Happy Happy Joy Joy” that has been performed at countless amounts of concerts & sought after by many. This is the 1st time this song is being made available.
This mixtape is sponsored by the MMA clothing line, Jesus Didn’t Tap. Jason David Frank, owner of Jesus Didn’t Tap was formerly the Green/White Ranger on the hit TV Series, “Power Rangers.”
Look for this release in the Download section of SphereofhiphopStore.com starting on March 16th.
dude, i LOVED the Green Ranger….he had the sield on his chest AND the cool whistle/dagger!!
Trip out, I remember the Power Rangers and even played that Power Ranger song on the phone on the intercom at work, everybdy was jockin!
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