
Wes Pendleton Launches New Site Wespmusic.com

Wes Pendleton rolled out a brand new website today to showcase his releases and beat production. He shared a bit of info with us…

“I’m glad to have my new website up and running. I realized recently that I didn’t have a bridge between my fam/fans/followers and my music directly, and news concerning upcoming releases and appearances. So I’m really glad to see it come together, and finally be able to connect even more with everyone. As of right now I’m currently working on my album slated to be released later this year around early fall. In the meantime I will be dropping a few singles and videos, and some behind the scenes stuff. I’m really looking forward to getting out more to serve in live performance as well. My wife has given me the OK to travel so I’m good to go!”

Visit Wes Pendleton at wespmusic.com for news, info and free music.

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