
Will Flavor Fest 2010 Stream Live?

Crossover Church is racing with 24 hour construction crews to finish their new facility for Flavor Fest (October 7th – 10th).  When they called last week to turn on their phone line and internet service they found that both major providers in Tampa did not have service to the building and were not planning on servicing the building as construction was too expensive for their company due to the parking lot being so huge that the building sits a few hundred feet away from the street.

After negotiations with one of the providers they agreed to run fios fiber optic lines if our construction company dug the hundreds of feet of conduit.  This meant thousands of dollars and pulling some of the crew away from finishing everything else.  We’re putting this out there to the Christian Hip-Hop Community to pray… because today  a new engineer from the company came and said we could potentially use an existing conduit if we pull out the old wires and run new ones.  They are coming to the site tomorrow to inspect it further and give them an answer.

They know everyone can’t make it down to Flavor Fest, so Crossover was planning on streaming the event live for the world to see what God is doing in Tampa, Florida through hip-hop.  Pray that God will work another miracle on their behalf as this building project has been a crazy journey for Crossover.  Stay tuned, pray  and see what God does!

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